Looking back at the Christian Family

August 7, 2009

From last week’s talk 7 on The Christian family.















Talk 7: The Christian Family

July 30, 2009

Hi All,

We will have Talk 7 tomorrow at Santuario. Please be there by 7pm. Kuya Aldy and Ate Joy Katigbak will be the Speaker/Sharer for this session. Hope to see everyone tomorrow!


When you ask a single person in SFC what their dream is, maybe one would answer to own their dream car or to have their dream job but most would say, to have a loving spouse and cute kids or to one day have a happy family who serves God.

For us, it is still a dream but for our speakers, they are already living that dream. Aldy and Joy met in college, fell in love and (fast-tracking a bit) just recently celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary (though they look very young J). They have been in the CFC community for 14 years and have been serving in the SFC ministry since 1997. Currently, they are the International Coordinators for CFC Singles for Christ worldwide. Serving with them in the community are their four kids: Lance (who is part of Youth for Christ), Nica and Justine (who are in Kids for Christ) and of course the ever adorable Matthew, who generously shares of his parents every time they have to be on mission.

With all the roles they have to play being the heads of a fast-growing and dynamic ministry, raising four children, caring for the SFC missionaries and other brothers and sisters in CFC, going around the Philippines and the world, along with the demands of work (they are not fulltime workers but “all the timers”), they still manage to be husband and wife to each other, holding hands as they grow in their personal relationship with God and serve Him together. With Aldy and Joy, “… and they lived happily ever after” is not a fairy-tale or a dream but will surely be reality.